
Brand Strategy

Koonzi – Repositioning and Rebranding

Problem: In an industry like EdTech, where building a community of loyal customers is key, the brand...

Whip Up Magic

Problem : To launch and sustain a range of DIY food kits for kids in a market...


Problem: In a market where gummies are either nutritional, or imported…how do we create a need for...

June 3, 2019

Koonzi – Repositioning and Rebranding

Problem: In an industry like EdTech, where building a community of loyal customers is key, the brand only spoke about the functional benefits and product features...

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Whip Up Magic

Problem : To launch and sustain a range of DIY food kits for kids in a market that is very niche.    Solution: Creating a magical time for...

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Problem: In a market where gummies are either nutritional, or imported…how do we create a need for one that’s just for pure nibbling pleasure?   Solution: Owning guilt-free...

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